January 12, 2019 2021-05-28 5:50Home

VE Wikis
We compile Value Engineering relevant technical material and publish is a form of wikis for easy access by VE all beginners and practitioners.
VE Wikis
VE Webinars
We share our knowledge through providing VE class training and regular Webinars. You can take our free introductory online session.
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VE Blog
Technical articles will be stored and exposed for further discussions. Your thoughts are very important to us the VE practitioners
Learn MoreEGCVS Message
In today’s highly competitive business world, every company needs value engineering technique to run their processes more efficiently.
From sustainable development perspective, world resources should be utilized efficiently by implementing sophisticated functional analysis technique.
We apply value engineering in vast range of industries. Oil, gas, power and fertilizer plants apply it in different phases of plant design and operation.
From day to day, factories, hospitals, educational firms,…etc consider value engineering technique a pillar of sustainability in the market.
We provide technical consultation and training which fulfill customer expectation. Moreover, we hold our self responsible to take part of spreading this knowledge widely in the community.